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CSTRents Experience Tours & Rents

Vicenza Segway PT Authorized Tour

Segway PT Tour Vicenza


The Segway PT Guided Tour starts in Campo Marzo, a huge nice park, viale Dalmazia near viale Eretenio -GPS 45°32'31.2"N 11°32'44.1"E-, where the space allows you to have your Orientation session for the Segway PT driving.

Through the main road, Corso Palladio, we will see charming little roads and squares, like Contrà Porti and Piazzetta Santo Stefano, and we will arrive to the Church of Saint Corona. Brief stop to enter in the church and we can admire the exceptional Baptism of Jesus Christ by Giovanni Bellini and other famous works.

We will continue into Piazza Matteotti, to see the exterior of the Olympic Theatre, the architectural masterpiece of Andrea Palladio and the first indoor theatre in the world, and Chiericati Palace, the most representative Palladian building in the city.

Just few minutes by the city centre, we can admire the Palladio masterpiece: Villa Capra Valmarana, better known as “Villa La Rotonda”, a building that inspired Jefferson and many other artists.

After a picture of the beautiful architecture of the Villa, we will move back to the centre through the old district of Santa Caterina following the elegant porticos (brief stop at San Paolo Bridge to see San Michele Bridge on the other side of the River Retrone).

Through Piazza delle Erbe, the ancient market area, we will arrive into Piazza dei Signori, the main square, and we'll find the Basilica, Palladio’s first public building and the Loggia of the Capitaniato, Palladio’s most famous attempt to use coloured architecture.
Finally, we will go back to Campo Marzio, where the tour ends, but only after a stop to see the Cathedral and the public garden called “Giardini Salvi”.

At the end of the tour you will return to the meeting point.

It will always be possible to ask a stop to taste typical food (sweet, salty ...).

CSTRents guarantees a top quality service and the high competence of the supplying team.

For more details (before booking your reservations) look at the Service Guide - terms and conditions for our tours.The reservation system for the tours in this location is activated by pressing the button at the bottom of the page. The reservation does not constitute an obligation to purchase.