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CSTRents Experience Tours & Rents


Lithium batteries new or used for Segway PT


899,00 +VAT

1.399,00 +VAT

Finally a real opportunity to purchasing battery packs for your Segway PT. CSTRents offers an alternative to purchasing battery packs for the Segway PT: now we are in a position to share the benefits that only a network can obtain when buying into the global market at competitive prices. Contacting us you can avoid investing great amounts of money in order to purchase new or used battery packs from the official distribution chain. Consequently, you will have the same product at an affordable price, without any substantial difference in its guarantee.

The transparent offer. We buy a certain amount of new battery packs several times a year, some are used for our rental purposes, and others are resold afterwards at a very competitive price. We are also able to sell our used battery packs of which we are certain, have been correctly used.

Who would not agree? Of course, those who claim to be "Official Market" operators would disagree. Nonetheless, their dominant market position which is based on a policy of psychological warfare and inadequate rights of exclusivity and imaginary territorial limitations, is no longer sustainable. In fact, they market themselves providing doubtful services, and if they indicate that our network cannot guarantee the "official assistance", we will not think twice about rebutting and replying. Those who, like us, have used the Segway PT for years (almost since it was launched into the market) are well aware of the fact that this is advanced technology based on electronics and, as such, if it works fine now … it will always work well. Should it wear down, access to after-sales service of any type is expensive and problematic, even when the "official guarantee" is valid.

Based on this ... What is the "official assistance" good for? Certainly, they will attempt to discourage spending less or saving money, under the illusionary belief that the more you spend, the better. Unfortunately, this attempt is designed to  discourage young buyers or anybody else who may want to possess a Segway PT, but are not in a position to afford the horrendous price of a "new unit" (price that is maintained by a monopoly regime which in the present global market makes no sense whatsoever).

We encourage buying the units at the neighborhood business, especially if this means saving great sums of money on the same unit. We await you!

What do we sell? We sell our used and new battery packs! And we also extend the same warranty as was provided to us on them. How do we do this? Read on and find out.

The Warranty. We purchase original battery packs from Segway Inc. (Beware that there are no other battery packs produced by other companies in the world). Segway Inc. is the sole manufacturer. Our supplier gives us a 12-month legal warranty on the product purchased by us which for all purposes remains on the battery pack even when transferred to a new owner. We either sell it new or use it for our rental purposes, but with the recommended adequate care this product requires in order to have a long lasting life. Then we immediately offer it to you at an incredibly affordable price for what ultimately is, and remains to be a true technological gem. We additionally offer assistance (real and concrete!) premium level and will guide you in handling the warranty and its applications (for which, in any case, you may confidently count on CSTRents who will assist you in handling the request).
For used batteries the warranty is 6 months and in case of bad use leading to the block (red Led), will not operate.

Technical Data:
charge duration: up to 38 km depending on the environment, terrain and riding style
developer: Valence Technology Inc.
model: Saphion lithium-ion
minimum temperature: -10 °C
Used battery pack price: € 899,00 + VAT
New battery price: € 1.399,00 + VAT
Upon shipment, cost for ITA, 20.00 EUR + VAT per battery pack

Segway PT and its accessories are produced by Segway Inc., 14 Technology Drive, Bedford, NH 03110 (USA).

For more information, please send us an e-mail to